Sunday, March 27, 2011

Country Music

I remember back when I was in like 5th grade and people would always ask me what kind of music I listened to.  I never realized it was so "uncool" to listen to country.  It's what I had grown up around and I didnt think anything of it.  When I got into middle school I realized there was almost nobody who shared my taste in music.  I didnt really care.  It's not like I was going to change the kind of music that I listened to. But it seemed as if everyone had only bad things to say about country music.  Well I'm writing this blog to clear up the confusion. 
People have many ideas about country music.  Some are.. 1. its for hicks/hillbillies/whatever else you would like to call them.  2. they sing about farms and tractors and "stupid stuff" 3. its boring and it all sounds the same.  Well the truth is, country songs actually tell stories.  There is a meaning to every song.  Some songs are about tractors and farms but guess what, we live in Iowa..shouldnt we care about that kind of stuff? The songs arent all about one thing.  Relationships, revenge, God, war, working, drinking, anything else you can think of. You can actually understand what the lyrics are.  You can relate to almost every song, no matter who you are.  Some songs are fast, some slow, some both.  They definitely do not all sound the same. 
Recently, I have started listening to 106.9 or 106.1 just to see if I could stand listening to music other then country.  There are a few songs I really like and I listen to those stations much more often now but country will always be my favorite.
It seems like more people are listening to country now and the ones who actually give it a chance really enjoy it.  A couple of my friends started listening to country because I would always listen to it and now they love it.  I think if people just gave it a chance, they would realize what people say about it, is not true.     

Friday, March 4, 2011


I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to spring break. I’m not going anywhere or doing anything too special but I just cant wait to get out of school. This entire semester has taken a lifetime, and we are only half way through it!! The school day drags on and on and on. Each week is like a month and each month is like year.
The first semester went totally fine for me. I was completely focused, did all my work, never slacked off, and didn’t really have a problem with being at school. Well after we came back from winter break it has just gone downhill. It is not because of the new classes I have now. It is simply, well, school. I cant stand it anymore. And to make myself feel even better, I remind myself that I have another quarter plus another whole year.
The getting up so early, the homework, the studying, the teachers, the people you have to put up with at school. It is exhausting. I asked a couple teachers why they became teachers. Seriously, why would you want to come back to school. One teacher told me it is completely different when you’re a teacher. But I don’t see how? You still have to put up with the kids, do work, and deal with going to school everyday. The only good answer I found when asking this question was from Dykstra. He said we get summers off. Plain and simple (he also added he loves teaching literature but he has to say that).
Things that really bug me are days like today. The bomb threat. Really? We have to get our bags checked like we are all criminals and I’m surprised they let us leave for lunch. Last year we were on complete lockdown. It’s ridiculous. I realize they have to do it and its for our safety but for real, I don’t enjoy taking twenty minutes waiting in line just to get into the school.
School is just annoying me lately. I really am not sure how I am going to put up with it another year. After this year I’ll come back from summer break and be good for the first semester, then drag through the second. All I can say is, I hope college will be different.