Friday, February 25, 2011


So for those of you who do not know, my mother runs a home daycare.  She has taken care of kids her entire life and absolutely loves it.  My mom babysat her younger brothers all the time and was a nanny while she attended college.  When I was born, she switched to home daycare.  She had ten kids coming to our house everyday by the time I was three.  I remember waking up in the mornings and going downstairs to play with all my friends.  All the kids were about the same age.  Between the ages of 2-5 or something.  Anyway, this was a lot of fun.  I had tons of friends who I hung out with everyday and I got to spend all day with my mom! Sounds like the perfect life right? At that time, yes.
Now I got older, andexcitment faded away.  The kids were getting to be a few years younger than me and I had nothing in common with them.  Half of them couldnt even talk!  I still loved having my mother home everyday but the kids got annoying.  I woke up in the mornings, and of course, they would be there.  Sometimes I would wake up to crying, the smell of poopy diapers, screaming kids, or those toys that make annoying noises!  The kids that used to be fun to play with, were now an every day hassle.  Although I had school each day, my mornings and afternoons were spent around those children.
After we moved here, my mom changed her style and began taking care of school teachers kids so she could have summers to spend with her wonderful children.  This started when I was about 11.  I had no problem with this.  I had become much more mature, had a better attitude towards kids taking up my mother's time, and did not mind them as much.  Summers were fabulous because I never woke up to little rugrats around my house. 
Because my mother takes care of school teacher's kids, I have often had to deal with the parents of the kids as teachers.  Some people think this is weird, but not me.  Actually, every parent that is a high school teacher who has kids that come to my house, I have had a class with.  For some odd reason, they seem to be the classes I enjoy the most.
These days, when I wake up in the morning, the kids are usually not there yet.  I NEVER have to wake up to annoying kids and when I do see the children, they are either eating breakfast (usually for a second time), or playing quietly in my living room.  It's wonderful.  The kids talk to me while I eat breakfast and when I get home from school.  They are very entertaining and I have no problem with them coming to my house anymore.  In fact, I might miss them if they weren't there each day.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Looking back on the blog posts I have had so far, I've realized that all I have done is complain or talk bad about something.  For people who dont know me, they might begin to think I am a negative person..which is so not true.  I've decided to go back and say some nice things about everything I've blogged about so far. 
My first blog was about homework.  Now most wont disagree with what I said in that blog, but homework does help you remember what you learned that day.  The material sticks in your head the more you practice, and homework allows that to happen.  My second blog was about cheerleading.  Although I still believe it is not needed, they are always in a good mood and one of my best friends just so happens to be a cheerleader.  Sooo I cannot say anything bad about them..anymore.  My third blog was about making your bed.  Well, since that blog, my mother has not made my bed.  I still do not make it but I have realized and learned to appreciate how nice it is getting into a made bed at night.  My fourth blog was about detasseling.  The job has its ups and downs but it can be really fun and I got really close to certain people because of it.  My last blog was about Valentines Day.  It took me a while to figure out something positive to say.  The only thing I came up with is, if you love someone you should be able to show it.  Valentines Day is the perfect time to do it (even though you should do it every single day).
I'm not sure this shows that I can be positive but it is a start. This whole blogging thing got me thinking about what I dont really like and I decided to take advantage of it by complaining.  My future blogs will be more positive.  Unless something really ticked me off that I have to tell about.   

Friday, February 11, 2011

xoxo+throwup=valentines day :)

So there is this famous holiday coming up.  It's all about public displays of affection.  It's almost a contest between guys.  Like who can get their girlfriend the best gift.  You have people asking, "Will you be my Valentine?" and getting their sweetheart chocolate and balloons and roses!!  To make it ten times worse there is all those stupid commercials on TV about it.  Like "He went to Jared" or "Every kiss begins with k"  Then when you walk into stores and see heart shaped candies all over.  It's a waste of money and what about the people who are no longer in a relationship? Can you say depressing?  PDA makes me sick to begin with, but on Valentines Day you are with out a doubt going to see this.  EW!  I know a couple who broke up on V-Day! That's harsh.  Then there are people who break up right before and others who don't recieve gifts.  Either way, half the world will end up unhappy on that day.  Either because they are not in a relationship, their heart is broken, or they see everyone else happy.  Guys send their chicks flowers.  Well, flowers die.  According to Amanda Elsbury, that means your love will die someday too.  Alex Meyer says "I hate to see other people happier than me because it makes me angry."  There are many people in this world who are in relationships that do not celebrate this day (Dykstra is one of them).  Dykstra said people shouldn't celebrate Feb. 14.  This is one of the few things I agree with him on. 
On Valentines Day in elementary school, life was great.  We got candy from everyone in the class and had a party! I only cared about the candy we got at school and relationships did not matter to me.  Just as long as I got my candy, I was a happy camper.  Also, my parents would always get me some kind of cute container with chocolate in it.  Now, we get no candy at school and my parents don't get me any chocolate.  Basically, I've grown out of Valentines Day.  It is such a pointless holiday.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Best Worst Job

Many people have never heard of corn detasseling.  Most of the time I would consider them lucky.  First, I'll just explain what it is.  You walk up and down rows of corn and pull out the tassels on the corn stalks.  Not that hard right?  Wrong.  You get on the bus at 7 in the morning for two weeks during the summer.  You rarely get a day off (you even work Saturday and Sunday).  Once you arrive at the corn field you file off the bus and get put into a row of corn.  Sometimes you are assigned 1 row. Sometimes you are assigned 6.  In the mornings, the corn is VERY VERY wet.  By the time you reach the other end of the field you are soaking wet from head to toe.  You go the rest of the morning this way wishing for dry clothes.  After lunch, well the sun is so hot you cannot stop sweating and you wish you were all wet again. 
Some days it's bad weather, and lucky us, we go to work anyway.  The mud sticks to your shoes which adds quite a few pounds making it hard to walk.  On top of that, you trip over rocks, your hands get sore, your feet ache from walking, but most of all you get a kick butt farmer's tan.
However, this terrible job can be fun.  You make a bunch of new friends and get to spend time with them everyday.  The leaders get cranky and making fun of them is always a good time.  They yell, and we can yell back.  There are many memories that are made.
Morgan Leider and I have been detasseling together for a couple years now.  We have become pretty close.  Last year however, we were doing a huge field that seemed to take all day.  They were assigning rows of 4 and 6.  Morgan decided she was never going to have a row of 6 and stuck me with it each time.  Of course she did this because she knew that was more work and those rows were terrible.  And then she had the nerve to tell me to hurry up!!!!  But I guess I have to give her a break considering she was attacked by a deer the year before.  Deer, skunks, ugly bugs, spiders, and other creatures are torchure during the day.  There are tons of other great stories to be told from the corn field but I will have to save those for another time. 
Although detasseling doesnt sound all that great, the memories that are made are well worth it.