Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Best Worst Job

Many people have never heard of corn detasseling.  Most of the time I would consider them lucky.  First, I'll just explain what it is.  You walk up and down rows of corn and pull out the tassels on the corn stalks.  Not that hard right?  Wrong.  You get on the bus at 7 in the morning for two weeks during the summer.  You rarely get a day off (you even work Saturday and Sunday).  Once you arrive at the corn field you file off the bus and get put into a row of corn.  Sometimes you are assigned 1 row. Sometimes you are assigned 6.  In the mornings, the corn is VERY VERY wet.  By the time you reach the other end of the field you are soaking wet from head to toe.  You go the rest of the morning this way wishing for dry clothes.  After lunch, well the sun is so hot you cannot stop sweating and you wish you were all wet again. 
Some days it's bad weather, and lucky us, we go to work anyway.  The mud sticks to your shoes which adds quite a few pounds making it hard to walk.  On top of that, you trip over rocks, your hands get sore, your feet ache from walking, but most of all you get a kick butt farmer's tan.
However, this terrible job can be fun.  You make a bunch of new friends and get to spend time with them everyday.  The leaders get cranky and making fun of them is always a good time.  They yell, and we can yell back.  There are many memories that are made.
Morgan Leider and I have been detasseling together for a couple years now.  We have become pretty close.  Last year however, we were doing a huge field that seemed to take all day.  They were assigning rows of 4 and 6.  Morgan decided she was never going to have a row of 6 and stuck me with it each time.  Of course she did this because she knew that was more work and those rows were terrible.  And then she had the nerve to tell me to hurry up!!!!  But I guess I have to give her a break considering she was attacked by a deer the year before.  Deer, skunks, ugly bugs, spiders, and other creatures are torchure during the day.  There are tons of other great stories to be told from the corn field but I will have to save those for another time. 
Although detasseling doesnt sound all that great, the memories that are made are well worth it.       


  1. Dear Mariah,
    Shouldn't it be detasseling corn instead of corn detasseling? Anyways, you're making this sound like the worst job ever... I mean come on, we want people to sign up so then we can get done faster! You're just scaring everyone off. And another thing, when we were at the one field were Jake kept says like 2 down 2 back, then 3 down 3 back. We were doing 2 and 3 rows not 4 and 6! Jeez make me look like the worst person in the world! I mean it's not my fault I'd beat you to the rows. You were just too slow! but dude you forgot some really important events that happened in detasseling.
    1. our first year when we witnessed those people quit. they like called their mom to come and get them hahahahhaa
    2. RUBEN! enough said.
    3. when Sam caught that babu bird hahahha
    4. When we'd push each other in the corn
    5. Our tassel boque (idk how to spell) we gave to you know who ;) only then to find out he peed on it....
    6. I don't know if you were with me but our first year we were in that one field that had the gaint like rocks in the middle of it and I completely tripped over one or the time when a frog jumped out and I got scared of it ran away and slipped on the mudd
    8. mud fights on the bus
    9. remember... "F THIS FIELD"
    10. the one time Jake put us back in the field and Dusty had to get on the bus to pick us up cuz there was a tornado.
    11. the field from hell :((
    12. TOMMY!
    man I could go on and on. I might as well just right a blog about how much I LOVE DETASSELING! YAY DETASSELING

  2. The detasseling job sounds interesting. I’ll be honest, I had no idea what the job was until about a year ago when people said they did that in the summer. I think it’s a good thing to work hard for the money. Sounds like a great way to meet friends and make memories!

  3. Yeah last summer was my first summer detassling and it was fun and horrible at times. Waking up so early sucks but the paycheck ain't to bad at the end of the day.

  4. This is a really old post but the job sounds aweful! Waking up at 7 am doesn't sound fun, especially in the summer! Then pulling corn would be sooo slow because there's nothing else to do. When you work at a workplace, there's tons to do. In a corn field, it seems that there's nothing to do. Hopefully you have fun though. :)
