Thursday, February 17, 2011

Looking back on the blog posts I have had so far, I've realized that all I have done is complain or talk bad about something.  For people who dont know me, they might begin to think I am a negative person..which is so not true.  I've decided to go back and say some nice things about everything I've blogged about so far. 
My first blog was about homework.  Now most wont disagree with what I said in that blog, but homework does help you remember what you learned that day.  The material sticks in your head the more you practice, and homework allows that to happen.  My second blog was about cheerleading.  Although I still believe it is not needed, they are always in a good mood and one of my best friends just so happens to be a cheerleader.  Sooo I cannot say anything bad about them..anymore.  My third blog was about making your bed.  Well, since that blog, my mother has not made my bed.  I still do not make it but I have realized and learned to appreciate how nice it is getting into a made bed at night.  My fourth blog was about detasseling.  The job has its ups and downs but it can be really fun and I got really close to certain people because of it.  My last blog was about Valentines Day.  It took me a while to figure out something positive to say.  The only thing I came up with is, if you love someone you should be able to show it.  Valentines Day is the perfect time to do it (even though you should do it every single day).
I'm not sure this shows that I can be positive but it is a start. This whole blogging thing got me thinking about what I dont really like and I decided to take advantage of it by complaining.  My future blogs will be more positive.  Unless something really ticked me off that I have to tell about.   


  1. Mariah, you love complaining! but it's okay we can complain together when we detassel this year... if I detassel this year :p

  2. I'm glad you started thinking positive, expecially about cheerleading. (:
    Its a lot easier, I've noticed, to complain about something or about someone then it is to be positive. So I can understand where you are coming from.

  3. it is way easier to complain about something over a blog than it is to positively about something. So it might just be easier to stick with the negative blogs

  4. It's okay to blog about negative things. Atleast your getting your blogs done. It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative.

  5. Everyone will sooner or later blog about somthing negitve. Writing about postive might be harder to do but some people might start to think that your a negitive person.
